Our current Steering Committee Chair, Cora Palmer from Northwestern Hospital in early October received the highest honor given by the Academy of Medical Surgical Nursing at their national meeting in San Antonio for her outstanding service to the community: AMSN President’s Award which is their most prestigious award for outstanding leadership in Med-Surg nursing. As president, she commits to the benefit of the association and she dedicates much time, energy, and enthusiasm the nursing profession.
July 23 2022
Sit and sketch with Sed Henderson IMSS
August 19, 2022
“Expressing Ourselves Through the Arts” Alyssa Saklak IMSS
October 15, 2022
Irish Heritage Center 4626 N Knox Ave, Chicago, Illinois, 60630
Mary Ann McDermott, MSN, RN, EdD, FAAN provided a book review of ” Ireland’s Loss Britain’s Gain Irish Nurses in Britian Nightingale to Millennium.“
October 21, 2022
Sketch with Sed
International Museum of Surgical Science 1524 N Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60610
November 2, 2022
Pain: Lessons for our Future- Fireside Chat with Judith A. Paice, PhD, RN
International Museum of Surgical Science 1524 North Lakeshore Dr. Chicago, IL 60610
November 2, 2022- Free, virtual theater opportunity!
The Nurse Antigone: American Association of Critical-Care Nurses